So we'll go with an easy one..just to get me started.
That's not Canoeing! That's floating
with style
It was early January, I had
put my name down for a paddle with my local canoe club, we were to paddle the
upper Wye. It was the section from Llanidloes to Rhayader and graded at a grd
three river, it was a section I had not paddled before and now having done it,
I just have to say it is a lovely bit of river, one which I would jump at the
chance to do again.
It was a reasonably large
group of about eleven kayaks and five canoes, so with this in mind it would be
time consuming and therefore impracticable for everyone to get out and inspect
each and every single rapid.
To make matters just a little
more interesting it was quite a cold day, with the temperature dropping to
minus three on the drive up.
I was doing rather well on the mostly read and run
rapids, alternating between grinning like a Cheshire cat and gritting my teeth
and digging in when confronted by the strong headwind.
On the bigger (grd three)
rapids a small contingent of the more advanced and hopefully wiser paddlers
inspected them and then "called the shots"
We were at one such rapid, we
had all pulled into an eddy above the "event."
This rapid starts off with a
dog leg bend followed by a chute then finally a big wall to not to "splatt
After an inspection by the
river gurus, we were good to go.
Safety cover was set up, and some kayakers who
have run the rapid before set off down without any issues.
"Follow their line" was the
I had watched the kayakers go
and I had noticed that each and every one was catching a submerged boulder
causing them to wobble some what.
So, I thought to myself, I'll
be the first canoe down and I'll miss that boulder and run the rapid like a
good 'un.
That was not the best
decision I have ever made, what happened next was a bit of a blur so I'll
explain as best I can, maybe using just a little artistic licence.
I approached the rapid slowly
aiming to go round the boulder on river right, that was the beginning of my
escapade. The front of my boat had swiped the submerged boulder pushing the bow
into an eddy the river actions spinning me round, so I was now facing backwards
and travelling in another flow, this new path I had inadvertently taken was a
ledge with a little channel and good flow on it.
So now I was looking down on the chute which was my
intended route.
I just managed to paddle /
push myself forward enough to grab a handy branch so I could survey my
predicament. This ledge I was caught upon terminates in a drop at the end and
sides, with boulders poking through the "horizon line" just like big
black broken teeth waiting to chomp me up.
A thumbs up from the
spectators/safety cover meant I didn't need
rescuing, but I was on my own to deal with it as best as I can.
I saw a gap in the
"teeth" and decided to go for it, not knowing what was below and what was going to happen, I prepared
myself for a cold swim, dry suit or not that water was DAMN cold!
I let go of "Stick"
who was my new found friend, leant forward and aimed for the gap, I gripped the
boat with my legs, held the paddle in a defensive position ready for a brace of
any kind.
Adrenalin took hold as my
boat teetered over the edge, the back end dropped into the froth followed
quickly by the front, which then bounced off the rock face I had just gone
down, which then in turn knocked me into the flow spinning me round, I was
working the paddle like madman trying to turn the boat 180' before I reached
the small gorge, this gap I was heading for was just a little narrower than my
boat is long.
The stern caught the one side
of the gorge and the bow the other, so I wasn't out of the woods yet!
The boat tipped I braced
"this is it" I thought as I braced again and again, fortunately the
bracing action was enough to "shimmy" the boat so the front was
deeper in the flow than the back, this caused the boat to turn and then I was
free, paddling into a river left eddy to a round of applause. I had forgotten
about the spectators
My heart now was beating like
a big bass drum and my hands were shaking like a couple of wobbly shaky things.
I regained enough of my
composure to set myself up down stream with a throw line just in case there was
another event, to be honest another reason to place myself away from the main
group so that they couldn't see my shaky hands nor my pale face.
There was another group on
the river at that time that we were "leap frogging" and one of them
posted pictures on a canoe based Facebook page. One of the comments......
"Hey Tim, we were watching as you did that. It
looked like it was going to end very badly, but in fairness I think you managed
the reverse drop with style."
That was the comment reminded
me of a Toy Story quote "That's not flying, that's falling with
style" and gave rise to the title of this article.
Next time I will follow the
line pointed out to the letter!
See you in the next eddy.
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